Ming Cheng Clinic, the Best Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Experience You Can Have
Acupuncture is a unique form of Chinese medicine. The ancient Chinese believed that there is a system of energy called ‘Qi’ (or ‘Chi’) that flows freely through channels or meridians within the body. Qi consists of equal and opposite qualities - Yin and Yang - and when these become unbalanced, illness may result. Acupuncture involves the insertion of a few very fine needles into specific points along the channels. It stimulates the body’s own healing power and helps restore its natural balance. Many scientific researches have confirmed that acupuncture works for many conditions, such as pain and arthritis (please see the other side of this leaflet for a list of conditions) Some people may be a little apprehensive prior to their first treatment. They are usually surprised that acupuncture is generally painless, although they may often experience a mild tingling-like sensation during treatment. Pre-sterilised disposable needles are used and safely discarded after each use. Acupuncture has been proved to be effective for relief of tension type headaches, migraine headache, chronic low back pain, acute or chronic neck pain, temporomandibular (TMD/TMJ) pain and as an adjunctive treatment for osteoarthritis knee pain. It can improve the symptoms of overactive bladder syndrome (through electro-acupuncture at the SP6 point). In General, you will feel revitalised, more positive and relaxed after acupuncture. Scientific research has provided large amount of evidence that acupuncture can treat many common ailments. For more information, please just contact us. You can also go to the following webstie to find out more: www.acupuncture.org.uk; www.atcm.co.uk; www.jcm.co.uk; www.who.int/topics/traditional_medicine/en/; http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/en/d/Js4926e/5.html and www.satcm.gov.cn |
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine is an integral part of Chinese medicine. Although the full materia medica stretches to many thousands, only about 300 herbs are commonly used in Chinese herbal remedies. The herbal remedies are specific groupings or configurations of medicinal substances, supplied in the form of decocted dried herbs, powders, pills or topical applications. Chinese Herbal Medicine Decoction - A group of Chinese herbs are prepared by Ming Cheng Clinic. Instructions will be given to you so that you can boil the herbs at home and take the appropriate dosages. Usually you will need to boil the herbs every day or every other day, and you take the decoction daily. Chinese Herbal Tablets - The herbs have been made into small pills. Usually, the daily dosage is about 20 to 24 pills per day (10 in the morning and 10 in the evening, or 8 pills three times per day). Detailed instructions will be given to you at the consultation. Chinese Herbal Powders - The powders will be a mixture of a number of Chinese herbs. You will take 1 - 3 teaspoonful 2 - 3 times per day. Modern researches have demonstrated that Chinese Herbal Medicine is a safe and effective treatment for many conditions. For more information, please just contact us, or have a browse at www.rchm.co.uk or www.atcm.co.uk. For regulation of Chinese herbal medicine, please visit www.mhra.gov.uk and www.ehtpa.eu. |